Latest ProDes News
- Join the working group on renewable energy desalination to form with us the future of the field
- The ProDes Road Map has been published. please click on the image below to download it:
This project is co-financed by the
Intelligent Energy for Europe programme
(contract number IEE/07/781/SI2.499059)

Project Overview of ProDes
ProDes brings together 14 leading European organisations in order to support the market development of renewable energy desalination in Southern Europe. The project started on 1st October 2008 ran for 2 years.
The project has the following specific objectives:
- Develop & communicate a road-map on RE-desalination
- Develop courses and provide training for students and professionals
- Facilitate collaboration between RE-desalination technology providers & SMEs on the local level
- Support communication and understanding between technology providers & investors
- Provide recommendations for the improvement of the legislative & institutional conditions
These objectives were achieved through the implementation of the carefully designed work programme by a selected group of partners from all over Europe with a wide range of backgrounds.
Watch the project video below to learn more: